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How Can A Private Investing Firm Can Help You Build Wealth?

How Can A Private Investing Firm Can Help You Build Wealth?

May 31, 20234 min read

Up Plex is a private investing firm that has helped busy professionals create passive sources of income by offering them investing opportunities in cash flowing and appreciating assets.

Some people we meet now, look at our current situation and think wow! “That’s cool, but is that something I can achieve?”. Well this is a quick recap of our investing journey and how now we are able to help other investors achieve the same.

“Most of our investors are busy professionals who also are heavily taxed that are looking for alternative sources of passive income”.

With over $135M in assets under management via syndications, we have found we have more freedom of location than when we were self-managing our own portfolio. We scaled from 4 doors in 2016 to 35 doors in 2020 to over 2400 doors by the end of the Q1-2022.

​We may not own everything ourselves anymore, but we have found that partnerships have made an incredible difference in our chance to impact so many others significantly. It has also allowed us to more than double our net worth in the last 15 months. We have had people asking how we did do it… Mindset… if you truly believe, you will achieve! Of course, you have to take action, but it all starts with believing that you can do it! We found partners, mentors, and investors that had a similar desire for more. So, if you are interested in more, you need to believe it is possible, speak it, tell others, and continue to believe. It is completely achievable for you and anyone else willing to put their mind to it. AND the right team by their side.

Take a moment to review our team’s process in acquiring, improving, and managing our quality multifamily and self-storage investments.


During the acquisition phase, the deal sponsors spend time finding a deal that meets the team’s investing criteria in the defined target market. They will tour the target markets and submarkets, exploring potential deal leads. They work closely with brokers in the target market.

The team is underwriting (Reviewing the Finances) to analyze potential deals using a proven conservative tool. Our deal analysis process makes conservative assumptions to vet the potential deal properly.

If the numbers reflect the potential for the deal to be a profitable asset, the sponsors coordinate with the broker to schedule a property tour. During this tour, many times, an experienced property management team will come along to help identify areas needing improvement. This allows us to underwrite with a more realistic capital expenses budget, potentially leading to better returns to passive investors.

If the deal analysis and the property tour reveal the potential for a profitable asset, a Letter of Intent (LOI) to purchase is presented to the seller’s agent.

Often, the team will receive more updated financial information about the property and have a better idea of the needed updates, renovations, and any deferred maintenance to help adjust the initial underwriting.


An inside of the financial analysis was performed to protect our investors’ capital.

The second financial analysis involves a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding. This analysis includes but is not limited to income stress testing (can the property meet financial obligations with less than optimal occupancy? Slow rent increase? Cover unexpected expenses?)

The deal analyzer tool allows us to simulate these scenarios and reflect the potential results. Part of this deeper analysis is to budget for capital expenses (CapEx) budget for renovations and improvements, lender-required reserves budget, conservative exit strategies, and conservative rent increases.

This analysis is used to develop a business plan from acquisition to sale/disposition of the property.


Expect transparent and frequent communication throughout the entire investing process.

There are several ways we will communicate with you.

The Offering Memorandum is a document where you will be presented with the business plan from acquisition to the sale of the property. This is a comprehensive review detailing projected returns, deal Pro-forma Projections, type of debt/loan, renovation plan, exit strategy and timeline, property and market analysis profile, comparable properties, and their performance.

The Deal webinar is an informal online live and recorded event to present you with the deal. Here you also have the opportunity to meet all of the deal sponsors if you haven’t.

You will receive communication from the investor relations coordinator to help you complete needed paperwork and other bank transactions as required. The investor relations coordinator will also send a periodic (usually monthly) update on the business plan execution.

You should also expect quarterly financial reports and asset performance via email or webinars.

All along the way, we are partners, we invest alongside. We are there to answer any questions that might come up. We believe an educated investor is a confident investor!


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Mi historia Por Maricela Soberanes

¿De qué trata este libro?

  • Supera creencias limitantes y asume la responsabilidad total de tu vida para lograr una transformación personal.

  • Descubre la historia real de una joven mexicana de los años 80 que superó la pobreza, el abuso y la escasez.

  • Aplica los "Principios Mastermind" (Resiliencia, Tenacidad, Responsabilidad, Visualización) para crear abundancia.

  • Comprende cómo un cambio de mentalidad es la clave para vivir una vida de abundancia y alcanzar tu máximo potencial.


Reseña del libro: "Me encantó esta historia de la "pobreza a la riqueza". Me atrapó desde el principio y no pude dejar de leerla". - Jay Helms

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Cash Flowing...

Para profesionales ocupadas

¿De qué trata este libro?

  • Cree una cartera de bienes raíces que genere flujo de efectivo para lograr la libertad financiera y jubilarse temprano.

  • Aproveche las estrategias impositivas y diversifique sus inversiones con propiedades multifamiliares.

  • ¡Proteja su patrimonio contra la inflación y haga que su dinero trabaje para usted!


Reseña del libro: "Este libro hizo que la inversión inmobiliaria pareciera sencilla y alcanzable. Las estrategias son claras y ya comencé a construir mi cartera. ¡Es la guía perfecta para profesionales ocupados como yo!" - Carlos Mendozae

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& How to Fix them Before they Kill your Profits

Esto es lo que obtienes:

  • Aprenda a evitar los 10 errores principales que pueden arruinar sus operaciones inmobiliarias.

  • Encuentre y analice activos que se revalorizan para obtener valor a largo plazo.

  • Descubra estrategias para financiar sus activos inmobiliarios y recaudar capital.

  • Obtenga información sobre cómo manejar objeciones y escalar su cartera.


Reseña del libro: "¡Este libro es revolucionario! Las estrategias prácticas me ayudaron a evitar errores costosos y cerrar acuerdos más rentables. Si te tomas en serio el sector inmobiliario, ¡es una lectura obligada!" - Luis Torresere

Real Estate Investing

Made simple

¿De qué trata este libro?

  • Encuentra la mejor estrategia inmobiliaria para ti.

  • Crea un plan para iniciar o hacer crecer tu cartera.

  • Aprende los conceptos básicos de la inversión activa y pasiva.

  • Ideal para principiantes e inversores jóvenes.

  • Las ganancias respaldan misiones médicas en México.


Reseña del libro: "Sienta las bases necesarias para comenzar a invertir en bienes raíces y responde a las preguntas más comunes de los principiantes. ¡Un libro fantástico! Muy educativo y fácil de leer". - Jaisun Olds

The Millionaire Booklet


Esto es lo que obtienes:

  • Supere las creencias limitantes y adopte una mentalidad centrada en la riqueza.

  • Aprenda los pasos para administrar el dinero, invertir y generar flujos de ingresos.

  • Aplique principios para aumentar los ingresos y lograr la libertad financiera rápidamente.

  • Obtenga información sobre el camino hacia el éxito de Grant Cardone.

  • Una hoja de ruta sencilla y práctica para generar riqueza.


Reseña del libro: "Me gustan tanto los libros de Grant Cardone que decidí leer este. Grant te cuenta cómo es. Quiero aprender mucho más sobre inversiones y dinero. Estoy cansado de estar en la ruina". - Greg

The 10X Rule

By Grant Cardone

¿De qué trata este libro?

  • Domina las ventas en cualquier situación.

  • Supera el rechazo y convierte el "no" en "sí".

  • Aplica estrategias comprobadas para obtener resultados reales en ventas y comunicación.

  • Escala tu negocio para lograr un crecimiento exponencial.

  • Posiciónate como líder en tu mercado.


Reseña del libro: ¡Este es un libro excelente y lo recomiendo encarecidamente! La narración es cautivadora y los temas se presentan de una manera clara y atractiva. Disfruté mucho de cómo el autor unió todo. ¡Una lectura obligada! - Norberto Morillo

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